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AKSA-SDS provides quality transliteration, on-time delivery and client privacy for customers regulatory requirements. The highest quality transliterations, rapid turnaround schedules, competitive rates, and sharing of our knowledge, are all requisites factors in ALT. Our solution is widely used by banks as well as telecom operators for Urdu to English translations of customer data.
The digital banking solution provided by AKSA-SDS covers a range of services that makes digital banking an enthralling experience for our clients who intent to make their services digitally enhanced. AKSA provides digital banking in the following domains: Digital Signature Certificate Services, Digital Account Opening & Digital Lending Applications, Mobile Wallets Application for Digital Onboarding, Online Payments.
AKSA has brought forward, a branch-less banking solution(BPak) that serves the community at large. Being the first ever domestically developed platform, it brings the banking facilities at a close proximity for the residents of remote locations.
Customers Biometric extraction is done through Mobile Phones camera with exceptional thresholds. Fleck extracts the fingerprint templates from phones camera on run time without storing them. The templates are generated on internationally accepted ISO and ANSI standards that are commonly used for biometric verifications across the world.
SFIDU is a stand-alone navigation system, designed to aid the aircrafts out of emergency situations. It provides basic navigation when other advanced navigation systems have failed. Its own power source keeps it independent from the aircrafts electrical system, allowing the possibility of safe landing for pilot.
AKSA designed Head Up Display (HUD) Electronic Unit (HEU) is part of the aircraft weapon delivery aiming and navigation system. It is a multiple video generation, mixing and processing system solution. It communicates with other on-board aircraft system via 1553B, RS232 and ARINC429 analog and discrete interfaces.
Servo Mach Meter is a highly rugged on-board electronic system that shows the relation between true airspeed and the speed of sound. The aircraft pilot-static system is used to calculate Mach number which is displayed in digital format on NVIS display. It is a stand-alone structure with the ability to get integrated with on-board navigation systems.